Plant Science Research Division (PSRD)
Plant Science Research Division (PSRD) is as a research unit under the aegis of TNSRO. It was established in the year 2009 by the special resolution with a view to carry out survey, collections and cultivation of medicinal plants used in Indian System of Medicines. Initially, activities of the division were limited chiefly to the development and maintenance of the demonstrative garden and to certain extent experimental cultivation of medicinal plants. In order to accelerate the research activities with Medicinal Plants Garden and Herbarium in 2019 and established a Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory in 2020. Recently, the division developed a taxonomical and molecular biology lab focused to work on the fundamental or basic research in plant science. Furthermore, the division maintains a reference library and herbarium of medicinal plants particularly of ISM (Indian System of Medicine) importance.
PSRD is a well-established lab for plant science research. The advisory committee scientists of this division are extremely well qualified, and motivated with a strong commitment to plant science research. The division also includes: activity guided isolation and characterization of bioactive natural products/drug leads; QSAR and docking guided drug designing / lead optimization; development of novel preparative and isolation process for phytomolecules / drug leads and chemical finger printing of identified plants varieties. The major research programs are interdisciplinary (chemistry-bioinformatics-biology-biotechnology) linked. The main focus of research is to carry out semi-synthetic modification of natural products into compounds having potential anticancer, immunostimulants, hepatoprotective, antimalarial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities. PSRD also concentrating plant micro propagation of RET species conservation.
PSRD has a very conducive environment for both research and training. The students pursuing summer research have the option for B.Tech (Biotech)., M.Sc., M.Tech.(Biotech)., M.Phil and other research degree. The division has all essential capabilities and instrumentation to carry out research in the emerging mission areas of plant drug development and industrial partnering. The division would like to apply research projects to government departments for access grants for multidisciplinary focused research on Medicinal plants.
Mandate of the Division: (R.No 12-30 /2009-TNSRO/PDKT /Estd. Dated 15th Dec, 2009)
- To conserve In situ, ex situ and in vitro experimental cultivation, and propagation of RETO (Rare, Endangered, Threatened and Overexploited) Medicinal Plants.
- To permit students’ and scholars’ for conducting summer research / short term research projects.
- To Standardize of herbal based drugs (Pharmacognosy) through spectral analysis.
- To develop and use cell-based bioassays to explore the activity and mechanism of Herbal drugs.
- To identify DNA finger prints and Bio markers of selected medicinal plants.
- To identify and selectively amplify genetic markers through RAPD.
- Literary research: Compilation and publication of the book "Database on Medicinal Plants used in ISM".
- To organise need based training cum re-orientation program in Plant tissue culture, Pharmacognosy, Cell biology, Pharmacology, Molecular biology, Phytochemistry, Bioinformatics etc.
- To conserve RET species or commercially important medicinal, ornamental plant species by micro propagation techniques.
The Division is conducting Research and Development in the following major areas:
1.Molecular biology of plant secondary metabolism and its regulation: Gene prospection from mono-, sesqui, tri-terpene, benzyl-isoquinolone alkaloid (BIA), terpenoid indole alkaloid (TIA) biosynthesis pathway; Defining the role of transcriptional regulators and their involvement in secondary metabolism; Genomics for pathway engineering; Expression profiling for metabolic and genetic diversity basis; DNA Markers for breeding and identification leading to variety development
2.Plant Tissue Culture: Micro-cloning of elite germ plasm; Cell and hairy roots-based metabolite production; Somaclonal breeding for genetic enhancement; Tissue banking for bio-diversity conservation; Protoplast culture and somatic fusions; Genetic transformations for pathway engineering
3.Bio-prospecting natural resources for genes/bioactive molecules/ products: Bioprospecting anti-infective agents active against sensitive and drug resistant strains (bacterial, fungal, malarial parasite); Bioprospecting crude drug/extracts/molecules for metabolic and other life style disorders; Safety evaluation of MAPs and their products.
4. Bioinformatics and In silico biology: In silico genomics and proteomics, molecular dynamics studies, identification of miRNA and their targets, gene expression analysis, DNA barcoding.
5. Phytochemistry : It is the study of the phytochemicals where these are derived from the plants. It is mainly applied to quality control of herbal medicines of various chemical compounds. The phytochemical investigation of a plant involves various activities such as - Extraction of the plant material by using different techniques i.e. Maceration, Continuous hot extraction using Soxhlet apparatus etc.; Extraction of essential oil/volatile oil using Clevenger’s apparatus; separation and Isolation of organic compounds/constituents of the interest from plant extracts by using different techniques such as Column Chromatography, Preparative Liquid Chromatography etc.; Quantitative evaluation and Qualitative Tests by performing TLC and HPTLC experiments with different kinds of reagents and solvents, including Ash and Acid-insoluble ash, LOD, pH determination, etc.
Research activities of the division are aimed at survey, collection and authentication of medicinal and economically important plants from different phyto-geographical regions of the country. Collection and documentation of traditional knowledge on medicinal plants from village people. Introduction of TNSRO campus for developing new chemo- types and varieties.
Enhancement of herbarium specimens and crude drugs in repository of PSRD and its maintenance, Publication of Books on medicinal plants for awareness in R & D activities of the division and Knowledge Calendar and Investigations on various physiological factors affecting accumulation of secondary metabolites. Established techniques of sand and hydroponics culture suitable for medicinal or other commercially important plants are employed to grow the plants. Development of conventional (emulsion/suspension/gel/cream/solution/syrup/capsule etc) and novel drug delivery (micro-emulsion /nanoemulsion/ phytosomes/ microsphere/ nanogel etc.) based herbal formulations. Drug-Safety evaluation of developed formulation using skin, mucus membrane and irritation assay.
Also, the division is primarily aimed at the delineating and mechanistically describing the plant secondary metabolites related biosynthetic pathways and their steps, through structural and functional characterization of the relevant genes/ proteins/metabolites involved on important medicianal plants. The ultra-modern techniques such as transcriptome mapping, RNAi, genetic transformation on one hand and on other hand conventional approaches to generate knowledge for the holistic understanding of various physiological and regulatory issues of the biogenetic processes for the commercially important metabolites are utilized. The bioinformatics aspects of molecular modeling, computational biology and chemistry, e.g., the study of molecular shape and properties, molecular simulations, protein modeling and drug design, structure activity, toxicity and property relationships, database mining and compound library design are also carried out. Crystallographic and crystal engineering studies of biologically active natural products and cytotoxic plant peptides are also pursued at the division.
6. Plant Taxonomy : The scientific identification of plants, named Plant Taxonomy, is a vital in the agricultural and horticultural industries, plus for anyone completing botany and science courses at college, university or via distance learning. It is highly recommended for everyone working with plants, or learning to work with plants.
Completing this course will enable you to identify crucial differences between one plant cultivar and another and will provide you with the blueprints to systematically and correctly identify plants. Why is this important? It's important because with the level of taxonomic knowledge that you will gain, you will accurately recognise plants quicker and at best, avoid the risk of producing a less successful crop and at worst, avoid unknowingly growing plants with a high level of toxins. Renowned agriculturists, botanists and horticulturists realise that the ability to correctly identify plants is in decline and is at risk of being lost. This course has been developed to redress this neglected area of working with plants, and to give learners the essentials in understanding plant taxonomy. These essentials will help you throughout your career.
7. Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is extensively used in biomedical research and developmental activities. It integrates mathematics, computer science, molecular biology, information technology and genetic engineering. In this era of genomic revolution, the data is being gathered faster than it can be analyzed and utilized. There is a tremendous demand for professionals who can use technology to utilize the ever-growing collection of biological information. Bioinformatics is the science of storing, extracting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting and utilizing biological information. This course intends to provide hands-on training along with project work, to help work competently in a bioinformatics environment. The knowledge acquired also provides additional qualification for a prospective candidate towards employment.
Training Features in Bioinformatics
The training involves understanding of the application of Bioinformatics in all the fields of biological sciences. Activities include fully interactive hands-on sessions in computer science such as Perl, database management, bioinformatics tools, self-learning modules, demonstrations, in-class assignments and project work. Each candidate will have access to computers with high-speed internet to do hands-on sessions, assignments and project.
Students Project
Short Term Training / Research Projects
The members of our organization are highly competent and enable us to offer high end Client-specific research support with accuracy and sincerity in various bio techniques. TNSRO has successful ongoing research projects for partial fulfilment of B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Tech., M.Tech., and Ph.D. degree candidates on all aspects of research divisions for the fulfilment of their degree.
We design, optimize and troubleshoot the protocols and techniques. Our major research divisions include Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Plant Science, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science , Zoology, Bioinformatics, Ethnopharmacology, Herbal and Alternative Medicine Other areas of student interest. We also provide short-term project design and customized onsite training programs.
Research scholars (specially Ph.D) and other Students pursuing graduation in Basic Sciences, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicine, Computer Science*, Biomedical Engineering are eligible.
*Biological Based
Students will be assisted to publish their completed project works in our scientific journals and communicate in national and international conference/symposia. All project works done in our Laboratory would be made as publications with the contribution of respective students.
How to apply?
Interested students may apply through Google registration form. The form link is available our website and send the same with forwarded letter / bonafide certificate by his / her Head of the Department / Research Supervisor. Registrations are restricted per batch. Kindly contact us and make your registrations well in time with advance payments by mail / We impart quality training and research experience by taking minimum number of candidates per batch.
Special short-term trainings are offered by our institute.
Available facilities

GEL Electrophoretic apparatus, Computerized and Incandescent Microscope, Spectrophotometer, Muffule Furnace, Incubator, Hot Air Oven, Microbial Culture, Distillation apparatus, Autoclave, pH Meter, Digital weighing balance, Optical Microscope, UV Transilluminator, Preparation room, Inoculation Room and Incubation room, Laminar Air Flow, Incubation Racks, microbial cultures unit,
Research Director : Dr.E.S Karhty M.Sc.,Ph.D.,FBSS.,
Assistant Research Director : Mr.K.Ramanathan M.Sc.,M.Phil.,FBSS.,
Admin. officer : Mr.C.Karthikeyan M.Sc.,M.Phil.,
Research Coordinator: Mrs. M.Aishwarya M.Tech.,
Broucher |
Laboratory Services
In addition to the above mentioned R& D program, PSRD is also focusing in carrying out analytical services in concern with environment, we check following parameters
Water Analysis:
Colour, Odour, Taste, pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Ca, Mg, Alkalinity, Chlorides, Iron, Sulphates, Manganese, Copper, Nitrates, Fluorides, Lead, Zinc, Chromium, Residual Chlorine, Phenolic Compounds, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, Cyanide and Mineral Oil .
Waste Water Analysis:
Colour, Odour, Suspended Solids, Particle size of suspended particles, TDS, pH, O&G, FRC, Ammonical Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Free Ammonia, BOD, COD.
Also, Hg, Pb, Cr6+, Cr, Cd, Cu, Zn, Se, Ni, B, % Na, R. Sod. Carbonate, CN, Cl-, F-, PO4, SO4, S2-, Pesticides and Phenolic Compounds.
Soil Testing for Agriculture Lands:
pH, Electrical Conductivity, Organic Carbon, Magnesium (MgO), Calcium (CaO), Available Sulphur (SO4-S), Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) Ammonical Nitrogen, Available Phosphorous (P2O5), Available Potassium (K2O), Zinc , Iron, Copper, Molybdenum, Boron and Manganese
Charges For Soil And Water Testing
S.NO. |
1. |
Water Sample Analysis |
200.00 |
2. |
Waste Water Sample Analysis |
300.00 |
3. |
Soil Testing |
250.00 |
Banking Details
Account Name |
Tamilnadu Scientific Research Organisation |
Account number |
850149667 |
Account Type |
Saving |
IFSC Code |
IDIB000P137 |
MICR Code |
622019005 |
Name and address of the Bank |
Indian Bank
Rajagopalapuram Branch (1372)
Pudukkottai, TamilNadu, India |
*After paying the registration fee of Rs.5000/- (fee non-refundable) to the given bank account fill the following google form and send it.
Google Form for Registration*
Contact us
Research Coordinator
Plant Science Research Division
Plot No.39,Koodal Nagar,Rajagopalapuram post
Off : 04322-261088 (Morning 10 am to 5 pm)
Contact Number: 7395945237
Mail Id :,