
- Did your Journal registered in ISSN?
Yes. Our Journal is registered in ISSN.ISSN No.0976-0997 (Printed Version) https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/0976-0997)
- What is the frequency of the Journal?
Bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October & December) 6 Issues per year.
- Which disciplines of articles/ manuscript
from life science could be covered in the
All Science Subjects will cover in our journal for publication : Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Geosciences, Aero science, Atmospheric science, Plant science, Animal health, Environmental science, Economic Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, Space science and Astronomy, Information and communication, Biotechnology, Biomedicine, Medical Science, Earth Science, Statistical Science, Computer Science, Microbiology, Life Science, Environmental Engineering, Computational Biology, Indigenous and Alternative Medicines, Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Anthropology*, Linguistics and Humanities*, Earth Sciences and other Natural Sciences,
*Science background is need
- Shall we publish review articles in your Journal?
Yes, You are encouraged and permitted to publish Review Articles and the maximum pages not more than 15. The References should be mentioned properly. Also, proper permission should be obtained for the images used in this manuscript.
- What are the necessary details we have to provide while we are sending our paper for publication?
The name of all the Author(s), Corresponding Author, designation and Name of the department , Institution(s) with E mail ID and contact numbers
- Do you check the Plagiarism in IJONS?
Yes. We are compulsory checking Plagiarism in your Paper. It should not more than 10%, the authors are instructed to check the percentage of plagiarism before submitting your paper for publication. It will enhance the standard of our Journal.
- Will the same author publish two papers in the same issue?
Yes. A Single author can able to publish two papers in the same issue but you have to get the permission from your University/College/Institution.
- What are the eligibility conditions to join in the Editorial Committee? Is there any registration fee?
There is no registration fee. Your CV will be verified by the Journal Management Committee and they will shortlist the members based on the qualifications, publications and research activities.
- Can you able to explain how I have to send my Research paper for publication and how many pages needed? Is there any model for publication?
The Research Paper should include Abstract, Introduction, Methodology or Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. The Table and Figures to be mentioned very clearly. The Research Paper may contain 10-15 Pages and it will be send through IJONS official mail ID ijons@tnsroindia.org.in (For publication), ijonstnsro@gmail.com (For general inquiry). Paper template available on our research journal page.
- When will you send the acceptance letter after Submitting my Research Paper for Publication?
IJONS will verify your Research Paper under Specified Review Process (SRP) and you will receive the acceptance letter within 90 – 120 working days. After getting the approval from Review Committee, we will send the notification.
- How can I believe the truth of Acceptance Letter?
The Reference Number will be mentioned in the Acceptance Letter. The Acceptance Letter shows the original signature with date by the Editor in Chief and Publication officer. The secret code was printed in the acceptance letter to prevent the duplicate letters. If you want to check the acceptance letter, you may send to IJONS mail ID ijons@tnsroindia.org.in and clarify your doubts.
- Shall we cancel our Paper after getting the acceptance letter?
Before Acceptance & Publication, you can able to cancel/withdraw your paper. But after publication, you are not able to cancel/withdraw your paper.
- Shall we make any correction in the
article / manuscript before publication?
Yes. We will provide galley proof for you can make simple corrections
- Is there any processing charge for Article
Yes. Your article can be published in
IJONS via Tamil Nadu Scientific
Research Organization (TNSRO).
- How can I get the published paper?
The published paper will send to concerned corresponding author mail ID. You can also get the published paper from www.tnsroindia.org.in and click Research Journal option. The Research Journal Papers are available in the website since 2010. The Research Papers can be accessed and retrieved by Volume, Issue, Cover Page, Front Page and Full Text at free of cost.
- Is IJONS is an open access journal?
Yes. IJONS is an Open Access Journal. At any time, any where you can access research papers at free of cost.
- Do you accept the articles presented in
the seminar/conference for publication.
Yes. We are accepting such articles for
- Do you publish special Edition for seminar/conference papers?
No special Edition. Based on your request, we will consider conference/seminar paper(s) publication through MoU of the institution.
- Whether it is an Online or printed Journal?
IJONS publish papers in a printed version. But, for the convenience for authors and students, IJONS provides all the research papers in our authorized website www.tnsroindia.org.in in the pdf format. Note: We have to obey the Environmental Regulation Act, so, we are publishing the papers in the PDF format in the website.
- What can I do if I missed my published research paper?
Based on your request to our Mail ID ijonstnsro@gmail.com, we will send you the published research paper. But, you have to send the Reference number in the research paper. It should be provided only to the corresponding authors and other co authors mentioned in the research paper. Other than the authors, if anybody wants to access the paper or , we won’t give them.
- In which mode I have to pay the article processing charge ?
If you will be an Indian Author, you have to pay the article processing charge to the Indian Bank Account mentioned in the Website Research Journal Page. If you are foreign author, you have to click the paypal option in the Research Journal Page by Master and VISA card.
- Can you able to give the Certificate of Publication? How can I get it?
Yes. Based on your request it will send to the corresponding author Mail Id within 5 days. There is no cost for Certificate for Publication.
- Shall our University/College/Department subscribe your Journal?
Yes. Your University/College/Department can able to subscribe our Journal. The Printed Version of our Journal will be sent to you after subscribing to our Journal. You have to get and fill the subscription application from our website and pay the subscription fees a sum of Rs. 1500/- through our Indian Bank account mentioned in our website.
- How can we submit the Copy right form and author under taking form?
Based on your request, we will send you the Copy right form and author undertaking form. It is also available in our website. The Corresponding author and first author must submit the Copy right form and author undertaking form. The forms to be filled and scanned copy of the form to be sent to our mail ID.
- Did you indexed in Clarivate Analytics?
Yes. We are indexed in Master Journalist of Clarivate Analytics. Please refer following link
- May I clarify that Did IJONs Journal indexed in other databases?
IJONS has been indexed in various academic data bases please refer our journal page in the website
- What is the Impact factor of your Journal?
Many databases given the impact factor to our Journal. And, we currently received International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Impact factor 2.742 for the year 2023 - 2024
Can I change the name, title and anything else in my paper after acceptance ?
After acceptance or publications IJONS not responsible to alter, edit, change in content of the paper.
Does the IJONS Journal have a DOI number? No, This is a printed version of the journal, Your paper is placed in PDF format on our website for Author(s) convenience.
- How to Communicate IJONS ?
All communications regarding the publication of the research paper should be addressed to the following mail ijons@tnsroindia.org.in (For publication), ijonstnsro@gmail.com (For general inquiry). and telephone number 04322 – 458193 04322-261088 (10.00 A.M to 05.00 P.M).
- Have you got NAAS score?
Yes, Our journal NAAS Score is 4.34 / 2024
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