Short Term Training / Research Projects
TamilNadu Scientific Research Organisation (TNSRO) is a Pudukkottai based recognised institution, keen on focussing towards the needs of Students,Scientists, Researchers and Bioscience individuals. The members of our organization are highly competent and enable us to offer high end Client-specific research support with accuracy and sincerity in various bio techniques. TNSRO has successful ongoing research projects for partial fulfilment of B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Tech., M.Tech., and Ph.D. degree candidates on all aspects of research divisions for the fulfilment of their degree.
We design, optimize and troubleshoot the protocols and techniques. Our major research divisions include Molecular Biology, Microbiology,Plant Science,Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science , Zoology, Bioinformatics, Ethnopharmacology, Herbal and Alternative Medicine Other areas of student interest . We also provide short-term project design and customized onsite training programs.
Students will be assisted to publish their completed project works in our scientific journals and communicate in national and international conference/symposia. All project works done in our Laboratory would be made as publications with the contribution of respective students.
How to apply?
Interested students may obtain the application from our website and send the same with forwarded officially by their Head of the Department to our email are restricted per batch. Kindly contact us and make your registrations well in time with advance payments. Since 2010, we have provided project and training guidance to 70 selected candidates only from various institutions projects for, M.Sc., M.Phil. B.Tech and M.Tech., Ph.D., students efficiently on all aspects of Bioscience. We impart quality training and research experience by taking minimum number of candidates per batch.
Address for correspondence
The Director
TamilNadu Scientific Research Organisation
39,Koodal Nagar,Pudukkottai-622003,TamilNadu
Brouchure |
Application |
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